CRF Intranet
Brunauer - Emmett - Teller (BET) (CRF Sonipat Campus)

Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analyzer is a non-destructive technique that is based on the BET theory which demonstrates the physical adsorption of the gas molecules (adsorptive) on a solid/porous surface (sample). BET theory is an extension of the Langmuir theory from monolayer adsorption to multilayer adsorption of adsorptive onto the adsorbent. In this technique, an inert gas such as nitrogen flows continuously over a solid sample which is suspended in a defined gaseous volume through the sample cell. Now, the small molecules of the inert gas adsorb to the surface of the sample and in its inner pore’s surface through van der Waals forces. The amount of gas adsorbed depends mainly on the exposed surface area of the materials and also on the factors such as temperature, gas pressure, and degree of strength of interaction between the gas molecaules and solid surface. The rate of adsorption can be used to calculate the specific surface area of a solid material. This instrument is capable to measure the adsorption/desorption isotherms, surface area (Langmuir and BET), pore size (BJH method), pore size distribution, and pore volume of the sample.

Instrument model: BELSORP-maxII (BELSORP – series) from Microtrac BEL Corp
Specifications of the BET instrument :
Analysis Program:
  • Adsorption/desorption isotherms ,  
  • PCT curve
  • Specific surface area by Langmuir method and BET method
  • Pore volume calculations by DA method 
  • Meso-pore analysis by DH method, CI method, BJH method
  • Micro-pore analysis by MP method, HK method, and SF method
  • Micro-pore volume and micro-pore diameter by t-method, and αs method 
  • NLDFT for pore size distribution
General working pressure conditions:
  • Zero air-5 bar
  • Nitrogen-1 bar
  • Helium-1 bar
  • Zero air is used to control the vacuum
  • Helium for rinsing and dead volume correction
BET Applications
  • Surface area analysis of the solid and porous materials such as carbon black, catalyst, powder materials, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), etc.

    Limitations: Close pores are not accessible by this technique.
Testing Charges (Click here)

How to contact

Lab-Physical Location: 

High-Performance Multipoint BET Surface Area Analyzer Lab Room No. 14,
Central Research Facilities (CRF) 
IIT Delhi Sonipat Campus, Rajiv Gandhi Education City,   Rai Industrial Area Rai, 
Sonipat – 131029 Haryana 
Landmark: Near Ashoka University

Lab Coordinator

Prof  Leena Nebhani 
TX-101, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
IIT Delhi 110016
Phone : 011-26596691
Email :

Operational In-charge

Dr Somendra Singh
Senior Project Scientist

Get CRF Registration for 
External users 

1. Registration process (One Time): New Registration for external users.User Verification: Upload photo of Front side and back side of valid Identity card issued by the organization (only .jpeg format, file Size less than 1 Mb, height less than 1000 pixels, width less than 800 pixels). Undertaking: Download the undertaking template ( Download Link ). Duly filled, signed and stamped form should be uploaded in .pdf format. Confirmation: An email will be sent to the user after verification of the documents.

2.Before planning to avail the Instrument facility of CRF IIT Delhi: user must visit -> Facility -> select the desired facility from left side navigation list.  Read carefully all the relevant information such as required sample type, testing charges and instrument location. Be prepared with details of the samples.

3.Log in and Click on Booking Appointment Tab: All the information relevant to testing must be filled in instrument booking form. In case user does not provide the required information the booking is liable to be rejected. User can upload the relevant existing data of their samples that might help in the measurements.

4.Sample submission & Payment Process: Once the application is submitted, the in-charge will verify the details and approve the request.External users must wait for the approval before making the payment and submitting the samples to concerned lab. After approval the payment should be made by the user. The payment transaction details need to be submitted online before appointment date time.

5.CRF Users can pay amount online using following details:
Beneficiary/Customer's Name: IRD ACCOUNT IITD
Bank Account Number:  10773572600  
Bank Name: State Bank of India Branch Name: IIT Branch
Branch Code: 01077
please write "CRF _Instrument Name" in the Remarks section while paying. Save the receipt file and upload in the crfbooking system online against your application.Payment can also made in form of demand draft in favour of " IRD ACCOUNT IITD " Payable at New Delhi.6.IIT Delhi 
GST Number : 07AAATI0393L1ZI
PAN Number : AAATI0393L

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