CRF Intranet

Xtreme CT II MicroCT Scanner Facility (CRF Shared Facility Mech. Deptt. IIT Delhi)

Xtreme CT II MicroCT Scanner Machine including Mechanical testing stage. This is a scanning device, which can scan internal structures of objects with a resolution varying between 17-90microns. The specs of the machine are as follows:

Equipment and Specification:
  1. X-Ray-Tube 68 kVp, max 100 W, cone beam, 60 µm spot size ·
  2. Ø Diameter (FOV) 140 mm 
  3. Scan Length up to 200 mm ·
  4. 512x512 up to 8192 x 8192 image matrix
It also has a testing stage with the following specs:
  1. Fits on standard sample mounting point Carbon housing for Xray scanning.
  2. Max. sample diameter: 23 mm ·
  3. Max. sample height: 25 mm 
  4. Max. Compression/tension load: 500 N, with accuracy of approx. 1% of max. load
  5. Max. displacement/travel: 8 mm, with accuracy of approx. 0.01 mm
Name of Manufacturing Company & Country: Scanco Medical AG, Switzerland
Samples submitted for scanning, would be scanned and data shared with the users. Scan would be shared in DICOM format.
Testing Charges calculation formula
If the scanning length of the specimen is “L” (mm), and the desired resolution is “R” (µm), the charge for internal IIT use (in INR) shall be calculated as 
Note : ​ 
1. Before booking the appointment, Please contact to the concerned Lab operator for final charges and time taken in scanning. 

if Testing stage is to be used, Please give complete test plan to get an estimate of the charges.

2. If fixtures have to be fabricated, charges for the same shall be additional.
Click here to Get 
CRF Charge List

How to Contact

Mailing Address for Samples & Lab Location:
Block II Room No. 172 
Department of Mech. Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology,
Hauzkhas, New Delhi 110016
Phone : 011-2659-6189


Prof.  Anoop Chawla
Department of Mech. Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology,
Hauzkhas, New Delhi 110016.

Operational Incharge

Mr Rabindra Kar
Room No. 154 Block II 
Department of Mech. Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology,
Hauz khas, New Delhi 110016
Email :
Mobile +91 9968286852
Office extension number: 011-2659 6189

Get CRF Registration for 
External users 

1. Registration process (One Time): New Registration for external users.User Verification: Upload photo of Front side and back side of valid Identity card issued by the organization (only .jpeg format, file Size less than 1 Mb, height less than 1000 pixels, width less than 800 pixels). Undertaking: Download the undertaking template ( Download Link ). Duly filled, signed and stamped form should be uploaded in .pdf format. Confirmation: An email will be sent to the user after verification of the documents.

2.Before planning to avail the Instrument facility of CRF IIT Delhi: user must visit -> Facility -> select the desired facility from left side navigation list.  Read carefully all the relevant information such as required sample type, testing charges and instrument location. Be prepared with details of the samples.

3.Log in and Click on Booking Appointment Tab: All the information relevant to testing must be filled in instrument booking form. In case user does not provide the required information the booking is liable to be rejected. User can upload the relevant existing data of their samples that might help in the measurements.

4.Sample submission & Payment Process: Once the application is submitted, the in-charge will verify the details and approve the request.External users must wait for the approval before making the payment and submitting the samples to concerned lab. After approval the payment should be made by the user. The payment transaction details need to be submitted online before appointment date time.

5.CRF Users can pay amount online using following details:
Beneficiary/Customer's Name: IRD ACCOUNT IITD
Bank Account Number:  10773572600  
Bank Name: State Bank of India Branch Name: IIT Branch
Branch Code: 01077
please write "CRF _Instrument Name" in the Remarks section while paying. Save the receipt file and upload in the crfbooking system online against your application.Payment can also made in form of demand draft in favour of " IRD ACCOUNT IITD " Payable at New Delhi.6.IIT Delhi 
GST Number : 07AAATI0393L1ZI
PAN Number : AAATI0393L

Signup (External user)

CRF IIT Delhi 
new user registration

IIT Delhi Internal User


External User Registration